January 2022
With all Covid restrictions now removed, Oak is finally getting itself back up to full capacity and reactivating the projects that had been put on hold during the pandemic.
December 2020
This has been a very difficult year right across the world and the covid pandemic has taken its toll. Both Brazil, and more specifically the Oak Group, have not been immune from the virus. Regions throughout Brazil have been in and out of lockdown throughout the later part of the year and that has seriously affected both the building and the market place. Consequently, we were forced to put our current projects on hold.
June 2020
Building work has begun again on our projects, but with restricted numbers of workers allowed on site, work is moving more slowly than usual. Despite the difficulties of the covid protocols, Oak is determined to continue with its projects as best it can. Naturally, sales numbers have fallen during the period of covid restrictions but we are hoping that the market will pick up again towards the back end of the year as workers come off furlough.